“I am inspired by all that surrounds me and find myself drawn to the works of the masters and all that is beautiful.
Human emotion is by far my biggest inspiration. When stirred emotionally I am compelled to paint.
I gave up my education and brushes at an early age to ‘take on the world’. As time passed I continued to paint the world and all it’s glory around me,,,, in my head. Having now raised a family I find myself with the need to paint as much as possible and the time to do it. I am quickly catching up on my lost education and find each and every new painting I attempt another lesson on what it takes to make a painting that not only pleases the eye,,, but also moves the soul.
I hope you have enjoyed my work as much as I have enjoyed sharing it.
Please feel free to contact me in regards to commissioned portraits, pet or people.
or if you are interested in any of my other paintings still available… Cheers :>)”